April 19, 2016, 18th Year – Show #929, Filmed at Open Stage Media, Proctors, Schenectady
Guest: Kevin O. Wilson, Phainter (not a misprint) – Photographer / Painter
Mr. Wilson’s photographs are taken at remote locations along hundreds of miles of railroad tracks which he has traversed on foot, a quarter of New York’s 62 counties. This rare view is presented in photographs as part of the New York Folklore Society’s “Artist in the Gallery” series.
Unique to the generally unseen views of Mr. Wilson’s work is a vibrancy that is post mainstream photography. Wilson employs shooting in low-light conditions, directly into the sun, and upon colorless landscapes.
“I seek the surroundings that the trains set off. Adverse light, coupled with digital darkroom techniques, remarkably allows composition of surreal scenes that enhance the defining character of a subject,” says Wilson.
Mr. Wilson lives in Delaware County.