Segment: Railroad Phaintings

Kevin O. Wilson, Phainter (not a misprint) – Photographer / PainterKevin O. Wilson, Phainter (not a misprint) – Photographer / Painter

April 19, 2016, 18th Year – Show #929, Filmed at Open Stage Media, Proctors, Schenectady

Guest: Kevin O. Wilson, Phainter (not a misprint) – Photographer / Painter

Mr. Wilson’s photographs are taken at remote locations along hundreds of miles of railroad tracks which he has traversed on foot, a quarter of New York’s 62 counties. This rare view is presented in photographs as part of the New York Folklore Society’s “Artist in the Gallery” series.

Unique to the generally unseen views of Mr. Wilson’s work is a vibrancy that is post mainstream photography. Wilson employs shooting in low-light conditions, directly into the sun, and upon colorless landscapes.

“I seek the surroundings that the trains set off. Adverse light, coupled with digital darkroom techniques, remarkably allows composition of surreal scenes that enhance the defining character of a subject,” says Wilson.

Mr. Wilson lives in Delaware County.

About the author

Schenectady Today

Now in our 17th Year of giving voice to Capital District / Tech Valley communities. To receive our weekly announcements & guest list by e-mail, send your name & e-mail address to: [email protected] How to watch the Show: Live Streaming on the web when aired on Channel 16 in Schenectady County: Schenectady County — Channel 16– starting on Wed. 10 am and 6 pm and continuing throughout the week depending on time availability Now on FIOS in Sch’dy – on Channel 36 – see above for times: Amsterdam – Channel 16 – Tuesday 3 pm (one week later) Albany (City) – Channel 18 on ChannelAlbany on Sunday at 5 pm – Same week as filmed Albany County, Clifton Park, Saratoga, Rensselaer, Troy — Time Warner Cable – Regional Public Access –– Tuesday 3 pm (one week later) Bethlehem/Delmar – Channel 18 – Wednesday 2:30 pm. (One week later) We can also be found on Facebook: Schenectady Today – In & Around the Capital Region. Please join our page. You can also watch many show segments, read about guests and browse / search our archives, here on the site. Show Content: The show usually includes six segments with a variety of guests interviewed each week. Regular guests include Representatives from the Animal Protective Foundation; faculty from the various area institutions of higher learning discussing health and community issues; Representatives from City, County and State agencies; actors and directors from the theREP, Proctors Theatre, Circle Theatre Players at Sand Lake Center for the Arts, Schenectady Civic Players, Schenectady Light Opera, Albany Civic Players, Classic Theater Guild, and many other area theatrical groups; Tax Specialists from the Internal Revenue Service (during tax season); Representatives from Schenectady County Library; area museums including miSci & ESAM and many area non-profit organizations. We also try to highlight local artists and musicians whenever possible.